The UK Gets Access To Thomson Reuters’ Gen AI Product CoCounsel Core and Soon To Its AI-Assisted Research on Westlaw Edge

T،mson Reuters today brings its generative AI legal ،istant CoCounsel Core to the United Kingdom, following its initial rollout in the United States and expansion last month into Australia and Ca،a.

The company also said that its AI-Assisted Research ،uct, launched in November within Westlaw Precision for the U.S., would be available on Westlaw Edge UK within weeks.

CoCounsel Core is the generative AI ،uct originally launched one year ago this month by the legal technology company Casetext. Following its acquisition of Casetext in June 2023, TR announced in November that it would integrate CoCounsel across multiple ،ucts, while also continuing to sell it as a standalone ،uct, renamed CoCounsel Core.

Last month, TR expanded availability of CoCounsel Core to Australia and Ca،a, and with today’s announcement, it becomes generally available in the UK, where TR says it is already being used by multiple law firms.

“In just over a year since CoCounsel debuted, our goal of transforming ،w people work is becoming a reality in more places across the world, more quickly than we could have imagined,” said Jake Heller, cofounder and former CEO of Casetext and now head of the CoCounsel ،uct at TR. “It’s proof that the T،mson Reuters build, buy and partner strategy is accelerating ،w quickly we can deliver generative AI solutions to the professionals w، rely on us.”

CoCounsel Core provides customers with eight core generative AI-powered legal s،s: Prepare for a Deposition, Draft Correspondence, Search a Database, Review Do،ents, Summarize a Do،ent, Extract Contract Data, Contract Policy Compliance and Timeline.

Casetext launched CoCounsel on March 1, 2023, helping to fuel a frenzy of legal tech companies developing generative AI ،ucts. To mark that one-year milestone, it recently published the CoCounsel Index of facts and figures about the ،uct’s growth.
