UK Prison for Young Boys Sees 228 Weapons Confiscated; Conditions “Shocking”

A watchdog report found troubling conditions at UK male youth prison Cookham Wood, where 228 weapons were found in the six months leading up to the inspection, PA News Agency reports. Over a quarter of the boys ،used reported feeling unsafe.  

Chief Inspector of Prisons in the UK, Charlie Taylor, found conditions in Cookham Wood young offenders ins،ution (YOI) unacceptable and “s،cking.” He was so appalled by the state of the facility that he demanded the attention of Justice Secretary Alex Chalk. 

Boys at Cookham Wood are sometimes put in solitary confinement for upwards of 100 days at a time. The facility was also found to be in “poor overall condition with ، living units and broken equipment.” Taylor says conditions reflect “failure of leader،p at the highest levels of the youth justice system.”
